Runner’s Recap with Dennis Clancy July 8

Dennis Clancey, a veteran bull runner and director of the acclaimed documentary, Chasing Red, recaps the July 8th bull run in Pamplona. This was the second run of the 2014 season, which turned out to be a fairly clean undertaking, with no serious injuries or gorings.

This beloved San Fermin tradition lures over a million spectators every July, who descend upon Pamplona for 8 action-packed days. Los toros bravos are the main attraction. These are Spanish fighting bulls that hail from some of the most esteemed ranches, where pure bloodlines mean everything.   

Runner’s Recap: Pamplona Bull Run July 8th

The July 8th Pamplona bull run was relatively fast and lasted a grand total of 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The encierro featured bulls from the esteemed Dolores Aguirre bloodline, a breed that is known for being particularly aggressive and dangerous. Rogue bulls that separate from the herd pose great danger, and the Dolores Aguirre are known for doing just this.

On this day, however, the bulls stayed together throughout the majority of the course.  The run began smoothly with the bulls making good time up the first section of the 875-meter route.  

Several runners got tripped up and were injured. While safety is never guaranteed, runners have to be aware of their surroundings to protect themselves. One runner, who failed to look over his shoulder, gets knocked over by a bull’s horn.

Clancey gives his tip of the day– one that is used by all experienced runners: If you fall down, stay down.  This rule is obvious when you see a fallen runner who mistakenly attempts to get back up on his feet. In the process, he trips up two other runners, who narrowly avoid major injury.

Looking for more videos of the San Fermin bull runs? Watch the Running of the Bulls online right here!