How to watch the Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Not able to attend this year’s San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain? Wondering how to watch the Running of the Bulls if you’re not there in person? Catch all the unbelievable action right here, where you can watch the Running of the Bulls stream online.

The legendary San Fermin Fiesta, which draws some 1 million spectators from around the world, features morning encierros, where the bulls are led by daredevil runners through Pamplona’s medieval streets. There are eight bull runs in total, which take place every morning at 8 a.m. sharp.

Watch the Running of the Bulls Stream

Enjoy all the adrenaline, camaraderie and chaos of one of Spain’s most emblematic and celebrated traditions with our online streams of the Pamplona bull run.

Watch the Running of the Bulls Online – Daily Videos for 2019

Keep track of the daily Bull Runs in Pamplona, Spain with our online streams, updated as soon as they become available


Video of Daily 2019 Pamplona Bull Runs

Keep track of all of the daily Bull Runs in our daily update blog posts – Up-dated streams will be added as soon as they are available.

Saturday, July 6, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Sunday, July 7, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Monday, July 8, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Thursday, July 11, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Friday, July 12, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Saturday, July 13, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

Sunday, July 14, 2019 Running of the Bulls Video Stream

The bull runs start every day at Calle Santo Domingo, where six prime fighting bulls – all in peak condition – are released from their pen with a loud rocket blast. From there, the beasts scrabble across cobblestone streets — some slightly curved, others steep — chasing hundreds of runners until they reach the Plaza del Toros where they will face a prize-winning matador later that day.

The world-famous Pamplona bull run has followed this same half-mile route for 167 years, and every summer thrill-seekers flock in droves to witness this unpredictable event. All it takes is a glancing blow from a sharp horn, a miscalculated move, or just plain bad luck for serious injury to occur. Gorings are not uncommon, and there is no guarantee of safety for those who dare participate in this deeply-rooted, historic tradition.

The bulls run with surprising speed and agility. By most estimates, the average bovine clocks out at around 15 mph, though short bursts of 25 mph are possible. Veteran runners know there is always a chance of calamity, which is why they train, and come thoroughly prepared with strategies that are tried and true.

Will a rogue bull wreak havoc on the route? How many runners will finish their course unscathed, and without major injury? The best way to find out is to check out our online streams for Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls 2019