How much should I expect to pay for a balcony space?

Pamplona Balcony spaces to watch the bull run, which are sold in advance throughout the web range from USD 90 to USD 350 per spot, i.e. per person – depending on the location, day and quality of the apartment. It may be possible to purchase a less expensive balcony space once you arrive in Pamplona on the day of the Bull Run (encierro) but these balconies are often considered inferior due to locations at high levels or at less interesting points in the Bull Run route. It is important to note that we do not recommend visitors to rely on these less expensive options without knowing where they are going, the ability to speak minimal Spanish, and the understanding that they may not find an open space and therefore miss the Running of the Bulls®. We also advise to be wary of providers requesting bank transfers as there is no recourse if they do not show or make a mistake with your reservation. We have consoled many disappointed customers of other companies frantically wandering the streets because they cannot enter their balcony due to this occurrence.