Runner’s Recap with Dennis Clancey July 11th

Veteran bull runner Dennis Clancey recaps highlights from the Pamplona Bull Run July 11. During the 8-day festival, as many as 3,000 people participate in the morning encierros, and today’s event was packed with hundreds of excited partakers ready for the run of their lives.

The July 11 bull run is the fourth encierro of the season, pitting runners against the Jandilla bulls from Merida. The Jandilla ranch is known for producing strong, aggressive bulls that have been responsible for numerous gorings in Pamplona over the years.

Pamplona Bull Run July 11th – Zero Gorings

Pamplonese and seasoned bull runners were worried about the Jandilla bulls acting unpredictably, as they have in past encierros. This particular stock has gored more than 30 runners in the history of the Running of the Bulls, and carries a fierce reputation. Today’s run was the fifteenth time the Jandilla toros have been featured in the San Fermin bull runs.

Amazingly, nobody was gored, but eight people were injured. The bull run was completed in 2 minutes and 53 seconds, which is a bit longer than the average.

Keep your head on a swivel

Dennis Clancey’s bull run tip of the day: always keep your head on a swivel. Amidst the chaos and confusion, runners have to look over their shoulder and watch out for lone stragglers, as was the case on July 11. One of the Jandilla bulls got left behind the herd and, when he eventually caught up to the crowds, cleared out a bunch of runners.

Mozos (runners) have no way of counting how many bulls have passed them on the narrow streets, so they always have to assume they are in danger until they finish the route.

In this video recap, you can see a lone shoe in the street. Clancey reminds everyone to tie their shoes and always choose appropriate footwear for such a dangerous event.

Looking for more tips and tricks to improve your strategies? Watch
the Running of the Bulls online
right here!